Thursday, June 01, 2006

Reports and Macros in Access

This week we're going to start by investigating Microsoft's Roadmap to Access 2003 Training. Here you'll see a whole bunch of tutorials about different features of Access (a great place to start if you ever get stuck with your assignment!)

You might spot a tutorial called "Reports: Show off your data" - this is the activity we'll focus on first up! If you've done Cert II and feel confident creating basic reports you'll breeze through the first two sections. The new stuff will be seeing how we can customise reports with calculated fields as well as grouping data in our reports. We'll follow this up with a few exercises from our text.

If you finish really quickly, take a minute or two to Go online for more assistance with Microsoft Office Products (this is a short tutorial about how you can find help for Microsoft products on the Microsoft site).

After morning tea, we'll learn about MS Access's version of Macros to do custom tasks!

Just in case you missed last weeks activities on more advanced queries like Parameter Queries, you might want to check out Using Parameters with Queries and Reports from Microsoft, as well as Calculating Totals with Access Queries.


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