Friday, May 27, 2005

Excel practise... If and While!

If you're keen to go over how to use IF ELSEIF END IF statements in VBA, there's a great tutorial with practical examples on Conditional Statements at FunctionX. We're going to focus our attention for the moment on looping in VBA with the While loop.

Try creating a new workbook, add a new user form with a few buttons (btnWhile1, btnWhile2). Put the following code behind one of your buttons (with the button name "Count to 10"):

'We're going to make up a variable to count through our while-loop:
Dim count as Integer
count = 0

While count < 10
MsgBox("Count is :" & count)
count = count + 1

Run your code by clicking on your button and make sure it does what you expect it to do! Now, have a go at the following:
  1. Call your second button "Even Numbers" and see if you can add a similar function that only counts even numbers (Hint: start with the exact code above).
  2. Call a third button "Odd Numbers" and see if you can create a similar function that counts the odd numbers less than 10.
  3. Modify both your buttons so that they only count numbers up to 8. Check that they work correctly.
  4. Add a new button called Colourise. When you've got lots of information in a worksheet, it's sometimes really helpful to use an off-white (or pastel) colour for every second row (it helps to differentiate the rows of information). Using the Cells function (eg: Cells(count,1) ), see if you can create code that colours every second cell up to row 100 with an off-white colour of your choice!
  5. Modify your Colourise button so that it colours every second Row instead of just the one cell.
Remember, the power of loops is that you can repeat any simple action as many times as you want!


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