A database for Yahoo Movies
Do you ever find that, when you want to see a specific movie, you have to check all the cinema ads to find where it is playing? This isn't such a problem for the block-busters, but for smaller arty films it can be quite difficult to find out where you can see a film!
Imagine that we're being paid big bucks by Yahoo! Australia to design a database system that will record, for each current movie release, all the cinemas where the movie is showing!
The information that the database needs to contain is pretty simple:
- The movie name.
- For each movie, a number of cinemas where the movie is showing.
but you might find that there are other useful fields that you want to include.
We might try to divide into two groups and see what kind of design we come up with, and hopefully in the process we'll discover what database Normalization is all about.
Once we've got a design, we'll have a go at implementing our database in Access - learning how we can create simple forms with dropdown menus whereever necessary!
BTW: Remember to bring your 2nd Assignments along on Friday as we'll have an hour or so to work on them (or your third assignment if you've finished the second).
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