Friday, October 27, 2006

Designing our databases

With the third assignment now out, it's time to get together and start designing our databases!

We'll spend some time this afternoon (half an to 1 hour?) helping each other to design our database tables and relationships, using two easy steps:
  1. Create a simple list of every bit of data you will need to store (get feedback on this list in case other people come up with other ideas).
  2. Group your bits of data into your primary tables!
Simple huh? Even if you've already started your database, it's still worth reviewing the design with everyone - as if you find a problem now, it will save you time later!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Macros in Access

Our new bit of learning for today will be using Macros in access. Macros in access are quite different to macros in Excel - for a start, you don't have to use VBA (but we might prefer to).

We'll be following an exercise from our text to learn about macros in Access, and we'll see how we can use them do a few nifty things in Access, like automatically updating combo-boxes after adding new information!

Access Challenge 1

We've run out of VBA challenges, so it's time to move on to our Access Challenges! Here's the first installment...

Few weeks ago, we worked through some exercises to create Forms with Subforms. After chatting last week, a few people are still a bit hazy about the details of creating forms with subforms. This challenge will give us an opportunity to practise using subforms.

So far, our Yahoo! Movie database allows us to enter a new screening of a movie at a certain cinema complex. We've created a nice form with dropdowns to help us select the Cinema complex and the movie, but it would be a bit of a pain to use if we had to add a whole list of screenings of a certain movie, or on the other hand, a whole list of movies for a certain Cinema complex! That's where subforms come in handy!

Your challenge is to open up your Yahoo! Movies database and:
  • Create a form that allows you to add multiple new screenings for a certain movie.
  • Create a second form that allows you to add multiple movie screenings for a certain Cinema Complex
Both of these forms will require a subform - and the easiest way to do that is to choose the right fields for your form - and the easiest way to do that is to plan your form on paper first! If you want to practise and revise first, see if you can find a tutorial on Subforms on Microsoft's Roadmap to Access 2003 training. Good luck!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Advanced Reports in Access

We're going to start learning about advanced reports in Access by investigating Microsoft's Roadmap to Access 2003 Training. Here you'll see a whole bunch of tutorials about different features of Access (a great place to start if you ever get stuck with your assignment!)

You might spot a tutorial called "Reports: Show off your data" - this is the activity we'll focus on first up! If you've done Cert II and feel confident creating basic reports you'll breeze through the first two sections. The new stuff will be seeing how we can customise reports with calculated fields as well as grouping data in our reports. We'll follow this up with a few exercises from our text.

If you finish really quickly, take a minute or two to Go online for more assistance with Microsoft Office Products (this is a short tutorial about how you can find help for Microsoft products on the Microsoft site).

Just in case you missed last weeks activities on more advanced queries like Parameter Queries, you might want to check out Using Parameters with Queries and Reports from Microsoft, as well as Calculating Totals with Access Queries.

Creating your Movie database

Once you're happy with your groups design, open up Access, create a new database called YahooMovies and have a go at:
  1. Designing the required tables (fields, types, primary keys)
  2. Setting the relationships for your tables (remember: Enforce referential integrity!)
  3. Add some test data for your primary tables, then for your other tables.
  4. Create some basic forms for your primary tables, then your other tables (you may need subforms)
  5. Convert any appropriate fields into Combo boxes so that, even though your form stores the an ID in the table, it displays user-friendly information in the combo box.
  6. Create a query that displays all the Cinemas that each movie is screening in.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

A database for Yahoo Movies

Do you ever find that, when you want to see a specific movie, you have to check all the cinema ads to find where it is playing? This isn't such a problem for the block-busters, but for smaller arty films it can be quite difficult to find out where you can see a film!

Imagine that we're being paid big bucks by Yahoo! Australia to design a database system with a difference. Rather than the normal listings in the paper that are sorted by Cinema first and then by movie, this one will allow us to also create a list showing, for each movie, all the cinemas where the movie is showing!

We'll divide into groups of 3, and it'll be up to your group to decide on what fields you need, and how to design your tables. This'll help us remember alot of the issues of database normalization! If we have time, we'll have a go at creating our databases.

VBA Challenge 4 - an improved guessing game

Take a few minutes to go over your VBA guessing game from the last challenge. Step through the code (using Excel's Debugging tools) and make sure that it works as you think it should.

Your challenge is to modify your guessing game so that it remembers how many guesses a player takes to get the number. When they guess the correct answer, it should respond with "Correct! It took you 6 guesses." (or however many it actually took them!)