Thursday, September 07, 2006

The power of pivot charts'n'tables...

... but what is a pivot chart or a pivot table? Why would we even want to use one?

See what you can find out! If you find a link that might be helpful for others, then add a comment back here with a link to the page you found.

After finding out a bit about them, we're going to download an example file from MS and create a few Pivot Charts to see why they might be useful.


Blogger izaak said...


One of the most powerful features of Microsoft Excel is the Pivot Table. Pivot tables allow rapid, dynamic, flexible data analysis. Pivot charts add to the flexibility of pivot tables, allowing the same rapid analysis of displayed data, while sacrificing substantial flexibility of normal Excel charts. This article describes how to create pivot tables and pivot charts, and how to create normal charts from pivot tables.

check this for more information and examples

12:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't read it extensively but it seems fairly easy to understand. I like the screen shots.

12:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's suppose you've compiled a large list (list: A series of rows that contains related data or a series of rows that you designate to function as a datasheet by using the Create List command.) of data—for example, sales figures for every product your company makes. You're now ready to extract some meaningful information from the data, and find answers to questions like:

What are the total sales for each product by region?
Which products are selling best over time?
Who is your highest-performing salesperson?
To answer these and other questions, you can create a PivotTable® report—an interactive table that automatically extracts, organizes, and summarizes your data. You can use this report to analyze the data, make comparisons, detect patterns and relationships, and discover trends.

12:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A pivot table creates an interactive summary from many records.

A pivot table can total the invoices by customer, product or date. You can quickly rearrange the information in the pivot table by dragging the buttons to a new position.

12:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check this out if you are struggling with Pivot charts and tables.

12:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check this out if you are struggling with Pivot charts and tables.

12:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one is easy to read and includes links and different aspects of pivot thingies depending on your knowledge.

12:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found an actual interactive tutorial. Haven't tried it yet though so it could be crap.

12:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi seems to be a good site - it gives a demonstration of how to create a pivot chart

12:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pivot Charts & Tables
One of the most powerful features of Microsoft Excel is the Pivot Table. Pivot tables allow rapid, dynamic, flexible data analysis. Pivot charts add to the flexibility of pivot tables, allowing the same rapid analysis of displayed data, while sacrificing substantial flexibility of normal Excel charts. This article describes how to create pivot tables and pivot charts, and how to create normal charts from pivot tables.

12:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excel's pivot tables are reports that summarize worksheet data and lay it out in a more meaningful format. For example, suppose you had a database that kept track of your monthly sales by product and salesperson. You could create a pivot table to summarize the amount of each product sold each month by each salesperson. You could then quickly rearrange the table to analyze the data in various ways. Figure 11.12 illustrates how a pivot table works.

12:38 PM


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