Friday, April 29, 2005

Due date for the second assignment

It's great to see that nearly everyone is on top of their 1st assignments! It's great that people are actually understanding (and even enjoying - in some cases :-)) the VBA code that you're creating!

Next week I'll be handing out the third and final assignment, which is due at the end of the semester (W18). It's now W10. So all that remains is for us to agree upon a due date for the second assignment (The Tilde access book).

My suggestion would be for W13 (20th of May), but it's up to you to agree upon (and suffer the consequenses... muhahahaha).

Add a comment to this post with your suggestion... (if you're reading this in an email you should see a link below that will take you to the website where you can add a comment).

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Welcome back and all that...

Hope everyone has had a relaxing yet productive holiday?! I certainly have... enjoyed sanding and oiling some floors during the first week, then getting out to Dubbo Zoo during the second (of course with some TAFE work on the side!).

Well, our first assignment is just around the corner (6th of May) as you will well remember :-) This Friday will be a scramble to get them finished (or close to finished) for most people.

Remember that you can (and should) be working on the second assignment too whenever you get stuck with the first...(most people actually find the 2nd assign, the Tilda Access assignment, much easier than the first)

Look forward to seeing everyone on Friday!

Friday, April 08, 2005

Finding out how we calculate loan repayments!

See what resources you can find out there on the net!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

A question to start us off!

Question: Do you really need to be at TAFE to be learning how to program Visual Basic for Applications? What keeps you from learning something like VBA when you don't have a teacher who can "tell you how to do it"?

What are your thoughts?

While you're thinking, take a look at this SMH article on 'A lesson for the education system'...

Monday, April 04, 2005

A link for Kit...

If anyone else reads this, can you let Kit know that I've put this here for him :-)

While searching through the blogger help (there's some great stuff in there), I came across something that might be of interest to Kit (and anyone else who's thinking about writing a novel): Blogging your novel (Part 1).