Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Recap exercises Week 3!

The first thing we're going to do today is recap some of what we've already learned (I can hear Kit yawning from here!) :-).

Recording Macros
Open up your first revision exercise where you created a chart displaying the cost-price/selling price (you could use any spreadsheet that has info that can be graphed!).
  • Record a new macro called CreateChart to create an identical chart (remember to stop recording when you finish!)
  • Delete the chart you just made and run your macro.
  • Now see if you can remember how to get to the VBA editor. Can you modify the scary VBA code that you've created to change the title of your chart? Run it again and see if it worked!
Data validation
In the same workbook, you should also have the Shop Sales worksheet. Add some data validation to the selling price cells, so that a user can't enter a selling price that is lower than the cost price! Make sure that you give them a useful message :-)

Programming practice!
Going back to AJ's Turtle Graphics web application, you can create a function that draws a square by typing the following:
  • mk square( repeat 4 [forward 100 right 90] )
From now on, if you simply type: square, you should see a square on your screen. Now,
  • create your own function called flower, that draws your square 36 times while turning right by 10 degrees each time!
  • create your own function called triangle, and then create flower2
  • create your own function called octagon, and then create flower3!
Pretty snazzy eh? Make sure you show me your functions! In fact, create a new post with the code for your functions triangle, octagon, flower2 and flower3.


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